waffle sundays


When i was a child we used to go to my mothers parents for waffles most every Sunday. the waffles were always tasty but one of my favorite parts was playing with the toy box they had for the grand kids filled with old stuffed animals, a few small dolls, and change purses as well as the opportunity to cut out coupons. I always loved looking through the adds in the news paper and clip clip clipping. i think it is kind of like using crafting skills for a none crafting application. anyways back to the waffles.ImageNow that i am somewhat grown up it makes me feel really good to be able to share my waffle Sunday habits with the world. i serve them at the Logan Square farmers Market every sunday in chicago.  the other week we had a few left over waffles and i created a maple  waffle pudding. here is the recipe

maple waffle pudding

2 left over waffles

1/4 cup maple syrup 

1 3/4 cups non dairy milk

11/2 T. fat melted (earth balance, coconut oil, olive oil)

2 T. ground flax

3 T. tapioca starch



tear waffles in to 1″ pieces. mix all other ingredients together in a bowl. toss in waffles and coat evenly. pour in to a baking dish and bake at 350 F for 20-30 min. depending on your oven, or until slightly firm but still has a little movement. enjoy warm or cold. super tasty with fruit on top.


Fashion Info

spot light Lorraine Bell.

My grandmother is the queen of thrifting. She would never buy anything new. She wore this blue and lace dress to my uncle’s wedding in 1991(i think). I acquired it a few months ago along with two bird decorations from my grandparents 50th wedding celebration. i used one as the chest decoration.  


two in one cookie fashion

Its always so fun when you discover how you can use one thing in two ways. in this situation it applies to cookies and clothes.

Here is a simple two way cookie recipe inspired by a versatile 1980’s glam sweater

thumb print cookies

3/4 cup earth balance  (vegan butter substitute)

1 cup sweetener (your choice)

1 1/2 cups amaranth flour

1/2 cup tapioca starch

1/2 teaspoon baking powder

1 Tablespoon ground flax

1 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon or 1/4 of bean vanilla

chocolate variation

1/4 cup melted chocolate

1/4 cup cocoa powder

1 Table spoon non dairy milk


cream together fat and sweetener. add ground flax, amaranth, tapioca,baking powder, vanilla and salt. blend together well. use as a cookie in this form or add the melted chocolate, cocoa powder and non dairy milk to make the chocolate variety. roll the dough in to balls and pinch a hole with your thumb. at this point you can fill with a filling of your choice and bake at 350F for 9-12 minutes  depending on your oven. in this cookie fashion interaction the two styles of wearing the sweater have inspired two flavors of cookie.

the first look is as a belted top and to bring forward the animal prowess of the sweater it is paired with a fish belt and pastel sea shell skirt. the flavor brings the dainty and bold together with the vanilla cookie dough filled with four berry jam. strawberry, blueberry, blackberry and raspberry .

the second look is as supper mini dress a la 60’s style. paired with vegan Melissa Vivienne Westwood shoes, vintage red beads and fun red patterned fish net tights. to me a very sleek and classic night time look which always makes me think of  chocolate. the flavor brings out the decadence of night with the chocolate cookie dough filled with chocolate cream cheese filling

filling recipe

1/8 cup tofutti better then cream cheese

1/2 cup powdered sugar

1/4 chocolate chips

Look for the 1980’s sweater on my etsy shop coming there soon


fall look


This fall look has some vintage pieces and some vintage inspired pieces and is topped off with a pair of shark socks that look like they are eating your legs. Main draw of this fall look is the vintage hand made quilted jacket. it makes me feel like a turkey wearing itImage

another key point is the 80’s vintage inspired leggings Pat Benatar meets Niki Minaj.

Round it out with a drop waisted Adidas classic Amarican sportswear dress. Sports wear is considered to be U.S.A.’s most valued contribution to the landscape of fashion history.Image

and top it off with a child size vintage blue beret. I love fall

Fall outfit

It is fall 2012 im going to start blogging my vintage outfits. here is my first go at it. The featured outfit today includes a pair of eggplant colored high waist-ed Basic Editions 1980’s stirrup pants, a gorgeous Maggy London 1980’s hot air balloon blouse with gold trim and a hand crafted vintage knit Tippet with metal closure.

here is some info

Stirrup pants were traditionally worn by male horse riders to hold the pant legs in place in the riding boots (just a note i am allergic to horses).  As Women moved away from riding sidesaddle stirrup pants became  more female friendly  with similar styles being made for men and women in the 1920s. Horse ridding pants are still made with an elastic foot strap in most designs. Stirrup pants for skiing were introduced at the 1936 winter Olympics. And then finally became a fashion statement for women in the mid-1980s to the early 1990s. In 1985, Linda Pender wrote in Cincinnati Magazine that stirrup pants were “being touted as the wardrobe basic of the year, and everybody is buying them”. 

Up up and away in the most glamorous of hot air balloon blouses out there, with hidden front buttons gold trim and well structured shoulders

To top off the look 2012 fall essential loose knit tippet total Moonrise Kingdom style (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1748122/)

A Tippet is a scarf/stole/cape like narrow piece of clothing, worn over the shoulders.  Traditionally in the 14th century it had long sleeves and typically had one end hanging down to the knees. Later a tippet commonly reefers to any scarf-like wrap

tea time scone party

Perfect day for a warm scone with some fresh blueberry compote and iced tea. The other day my neighborhood had a 20 house garage sale. I HAD many great finds including this gorgeous set of lace tea napkins. Fall is coming just around the corner but you can allready feel it. during this time of season i like to start eating more warm deserts and pair it with a cool beverage. This is a really simple scone recipe that you can add any sweet or savory items to make tasty and fun combinations. im excited this is my first recipe post here it goes

Combine 4 cups gluten-free flour blend (i like a combination of brown rice, amaranth and tapioca), 1 tsp baking soda, 1 tsp baking powder, 3 tablespoons ground flax, a dash of salt and 1/2 cup vegan butter substitute (i like earthbalance buttery spread organic) with hands like you are making pie dough or until there are pea sized pieces do not over mix. at this point add your mix ins. There is no limit to what can go in a scone. Some fun options are, raisin, chocolate chips, nuts, fruit, vegetables, herb and spices. Today i made garlic green-bean as well as banana chocolate chip. So all you have to so is figure out your mix ins chop them up and add them to the bowl at the same time as 1 1/2 cup milk alternative (soy,almond,coconut,hemp etc.). If sweet variety is being made 1/8 of sweetener can be added (evaporated cane juice,agave nectar,coconut sugar etc.)but is not necessary. Blend all until just combined. Scoop onto a lined sheet try and bake in a 350 degree Fahrenheit oven for 8-12 min or until slightly firm to the touch. The larger you make them the longer it will take to bake (i love mini scones my self then you can eat a bunch instead of just one big one) Serve them warm with a nice preserve and chilled tea. a perfect end of the summer snack.

polyester love

polyester love

ever since iv been buying vintage clothes iv been obsessed with polyester. in high school all i would wear is polyester old man pants, polyester disco shirts,polyester mumus and house coats. polyester always has the best patterns and and maybe it sounds odd but i even love the smell that it has and creates. this blog will have lots of fun polyester looks and info as well as all other futuristic materials